Sunday, February 13, 2011

Public Safety in the 41st Ward

Public Safety is an important issue in this Aldermanic election for a number of reasons.  A few of the concerns I have heard at the forums and from the comments received:

1.  Police Redeployment from the 16th police district to other high crime areas in the city.

2.  Strategies to place more police officers on the street.

3.  We have three (3) aldermanic candidates on the ballot who are/were police officers.  How can these candidates assure the voters that they will avoid (and this is a quote from one of the comments) turning the ward into a "police state".  In  other words, will not overemphasize ticketing, use of red light cameras etc...?  And what are the possible benefits an Alderman/police officer might bring to the office?

Ok everyone, weigh in..


  1. I have wondered if we would be electing an alderman or a sheriff.

  2. I rather like the idea that criminals may think twice before thinking about targeting the 41st.

  3. The aldrman's office requires a different mindset...service and constituent advocacy. I would think they would have to switch gears. I haven't met any of them, but if I did I would ask about that.

  4. I like the idea of hiring retired cops for the inside jobs. I have one of those here at my house, so let me know how to sign him up.

  5. A new mayor, a new city council, a new police superintendent.....

    wouldn't hurt to have someone who understands the police department inside/out lobbying on our behalf..

    Or else, we could get lost in the shuffle.

    Just saying...

  6. The picture in this post looks like Gonzalez...just saying

  7. hahaha..ya know, it sorta does

  8. Cops stick together in the neighborhood. I wonder if these guys could relate to the non-cop way of thinking, or to people who aren't cops. Just saying.

  9. You can see a real picture of Candidate Gonzalez at

  10. I'd have no issue electing Gonzalez. I was impressed with him at the debate. Frankly I think between him and Murphey they are the only candidates that have the experience and ambition to run this ward. The other 9 are just there with their yard signs and meaningless literature that seems to be in my mail every day.

  11. I think an alderman/police officer will be called upon to deal with police issues, frequently, and have less time for the ward.

    Cops are by nature taught to take care of their own. To a cop "their own" are other cops. To an alderman, "their own" are all the constituents, not just the police officers.

    And I believe police officers, because of the nature of their work, see people through a specific lens that would not be helpful to the average law abiding, tax paying citizen.

  12. I agree with the last comment. I could see how a police/alderman would get caught up in police/city matters and put the ward issues on the back burner. There are other candidates who would be fully committed to the ward.

  13. I think there are already enough police officers "lobbying" for public safety in the 41st Ward.

  14. I want an alderman completely focused on THIS job, not the police department problems.

  15. Taking a look at the backgrounds of some of the police officers running in the ward shows varied interests and successes. At least one does not have a police centric mindset. In fact their businesses and backgrounds redefine what I had previously thought a police officer to be.
