Monday, February 21, 2011

The Aldermanic Candidates Choice for Mayor

"A Third Rail Question for the Candidates"

Well, a reader suggests we need to look into who the aldermanic candidates are supporting for Mayor. 


  1. Reposted Reader's Comment:

    Who are the aldermanic candidates supporting? I see Ateca and Lipinski signs with Chico's. I heard Merck say that he was voting for Walls at the PNA forum 2 weeks ago. Is this topic the third rail?

  2. Lets connect some dots - Rahm Emanuel is a corporatist, the chamber of commerce choice, and most likely will either be elected mayor, or be chosen to enter into a run-off on Tuesday.

    So, who amongst the 41st Ward candidates, has been aligned with the chamber of commerce in the past, and most likely will need to remain aligned with them in the future?

    Gavin and O'Connor

  3. The Republicans (Gavin) will be backing Rahm, as will the Republicrats (O'Connor). I agree.

  4. I've noticed many of the Gavin and O'Connor signs that were in front of houses on my block are gone, and I wondered if my neighbors have finally realized that voting for Gavin or O'Connor would be voting against their own interests.

  5. Just wanted to thank the organizers of this blog; without neighborhood papers, this blog has been insightful and informative. May the best candidates win tomorrow, then we can move forward and try to fix the mess we're in.

  6. I agree, Gavin and O'Connor will have no choice but to back Rahm, for many reasons.

  7. I think many of us have been connecting those dots, lately.

  8. I changed my mind based on the "who will support Rahm" factor.

  9. Rahm is divisive. He will divide the city and the ward, if we vote for candidates who will back him. And, Rahm is no friend to the working class, especially city workers. Best to steer clear of anyone who supports him.

  10. Agreed, we need to rally for candidates who will support the working class, protect our interests, and play fair. We make more money but have far less than we did 10 years ago. Something's got to give other than city/state/county employees.

  11. You better believe O'Connor and Gavin will be Rahm puppets.

  12. I think someone mentioned this in another post, but I'm looking at Gavin's "puppies in a basket" mailer, right now, and it says "Sometimes its hard to choose just one"? Are you kidding me?

    No where on this mailer does it say anything about the issues, just a full page picture of puppies...

  13. A puppy dog alderman won't do well with a pit bull mayor.

  14. So, none of our partisan candidates have dropped in with a pro-Rahm spin yet? Didn't think so.

  15. How long does this non-partisan charade go on?
    I mean except for the law itself and the branding of these elections as non-partisan, this whole thing is as partisan as it can get. Frther, it is a mockery of the electorate's intelligence. We can do better
