Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Letter to the Editor from an Oriole Park Resident

From today's Sun Times:

Cut City Council by 40%

We’ve heard about budget cuts for Chicago’s libraries, closures of police stations, a reduction in the number of cops and 911 dispatchers, and on and on. But no one is calling for the reduction of the City Council.

So I will.

Let’s go down to 30 wards, cutting out 20 aldermen and their staffs and budgets.
Let’s see. An alderman makes about $107,000 and has a yearly expense account of about $73,000.
Add in their “discretionary” fund, and we’re talking real money.

Robert Stasch,
Oriole Park


  1. City Council needs to share some of the pain we are experiencing. I agree, way to many alderman, costing us a fortune.

  2. Lets see... 20 slashed alderman positions @ $107,000/year, and add their expense accounts @ $73,000/year and you get a total savings of:


  3. 10:53, you forgot staff salary @ $200,000 and office rental at $50,000/year -

