Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Quigley refuses to sign House Dems letter opposing Social security cuts

UPDATE 7/13/2011  The guest blogger reports that seven (7) more House Democrats have signed the letter to President Obama opposing any cuts to Social Security or Medicare.  This brings the total number of signers to 77, as of today.  As of now, it appears as though, Congressman Quigley has NOT signed the letter.  Call the Congressman and let him know that you oppose cuts to Social Security and Medicare and URGE him to get on board.

From a Guest Blogger

    On Friday, 70 House Democrats signed a letter urging President Obama to reject any cuts in Social Security and Medicare as part of any deficit renewal deal.  Congressman Mike Quigley, who represents many of us in the 41st Ward, is not among the 70 signers.  By not signing this letter, Quigley is by default supporting benefit cuts to these vital entitlement programs.  In contrast, Congresswoman Schakowsky, Congressman Danny Davis and Louis Giuiterez have signed the letter.

     Someone should inform Congressman Quigley that the Social Security fund has enough cash to sustain itself for the next 25 years, and has nothing to do with the deficit issue.  His D.C. office number is  202-225-4061. 

     That's if he's not out golfing with Speaker Boehner.


  1. Quigley is no democrat - a Republicat through and through.

  2. No way social security and/or medicare should be altered in any way. This is outrageous. I will not vote for Quigley again if he votes in favor of ANY change to social security or medicare.

  3. If Social Security and Medicare don't get cut, how else is the country going to be able to afford foreign aide, corporate aide and Defense Department aide who has a bill pending to increase its budget by $17 billion.

  4. yeah, take care of the corporations, forget about me, the poor working slob taxpayer who has paid into Social Security and Medicare for the last thirty years.

  5. and if Quigley votes for even one dime to be cut from SS or medicare, I vow, I will never vote for him again

  6. What news are you watching?Social security is broke.More collecting from it then paying into it.Both partys robbed it blind.Open your eyes medicare and social security are out of money from poor managment.VOTE THEM ALL OUT!!!!

  7. I know what news you're watching 12:22 - Fox. S.S. has over 2 trillion in surplus, enough to making payments for the next 25 years. Medicare has enough cash on hand for just a few years less than that. Stop lying.

  8. Hey Guest Blogger, I think you meant 'if he's not caddying for Speaker Boehner.'

  9. Hey, 12:22 and 12:51..I know what would be helpful for both of you..cite some sources!

  10. To 12:22: Look through the lies, misinformation and propaganda, Social Security and Medicare are not broke and not the problem. The problem is the Fat Cats using Social Security as their own personal piggy banks.

  11. Quigley knows that a Tea Party candidate is coming after him, therefore he has to react this way. A victory for the TEA PARTY. One small battle won.

  12. I'm not surprised by anyone going after Quigley - he has been quite the disappointment, especially to the progressive and middle of the road dems that voted for him.

  13. Bush's tax cuts for the rich weren't suppose to last forever, but that is exactly what the rich want. Time to fairly tax the weathy in this country...instead of cutting social security checks for little old ladies. What the hell kind of nation have we become to allow seniors to live in poverty instead of letting them collect the money THEY PAID into social security?

  14. Quigley is a lousy congressman, but his challenge will come from the Left. Tea Whack-Jobs are clueless, as proven by their now famous battle cry, "Keep your goverment hands off of my Medicare!"

  15. Nothing of substance coming from Quigley's office. Very soft. We need someone with stronger leadership skills in this office and I certainly hope he is challenged from the left. I can think of a few strong local dems who would do a great job in this office. I hope someone within the party steps up.
