Saturday, July 2, 2011

Chicago Civic Federation Report Suggests Chicago Fire Department Cuts and Other Budget Cuts

Chicago Civic Federation 1903
 What do you think about these suggestions?

Report Suggests Fire Cuts - Chicago News Cooperative

Thursday, June 30th, 2011

Report Suggests Fire Cuts

The Civic Federation is calling for a “thorough evaluation of staffing and employment” in the Chicago Fire Department, a politically hot topic that Mayor Rahm Emanuel has hesitated to touch even as he promises to address City Hall’s deep financial problems.

In a new report that will be released Thursday, the Civic Federation cites a recently published Chicago News Cooperative story detailing how other cities, unlike Chicago, have cut fire department personnel costs to help balance recession-hit budgets.

“The Civic Federation is concerned that despite an enormous budget gap and structural deficit, the city of Chicago has not announced plans to reduce fire department expenditures,” the report states. “During a time of extraordinary fiscal stress, every city department – including public safety departments – should be reducing costs and performing more efficiently.”
Staffing changes must be “at the core of cost reductions to be made at the Fire Department,” the Civic Federation argues. Personnel expenses make up the bulk of Chicago’s budget, and the fire and police departments represent almost two-thirds of payroll costs.

In May, the CNC reported that Chicago has more firefighters per resident than all but one of the 10 largest U.S. cities, and only two major cities boast more firehouses per square mile than Chicago. Staffing levels in the department have remained steady for decades, despite a marked decline in the number of fire calls and fire deaths.
Fire department officials have aggressively rebutted suggestions that any cuts be made, warning that public safety would be compromised. And the new mayor has not suggested changes in fire staffing.
The Civic Federation also proposes an appraisal of police personnel costs, which would include examining whether to change police district maps so they conform more closely to crime patterns. Emanuel has rejected this notion, known as beat realignment, and has vowed to hire 1,000 more officers in a department where troop levels have declined.
The report also makes a laundry list of other suggestions for a city government that is grappling with annual budget shortfalls in the hundreds of millions of dollars. Other proposals include:
• Reducing pension benefits not yet earned by current workers and increasing city and employee contributions to retirement funds. During the mayoral campaign, Emanuel privately told union leaders that he supported pension cuts for current employees as well as future hires, and his Springfield lobbyists recently pushed for a failed proposal that would have increased public employee pension contributions.
• Reforming employee pension boards “so that employees do not hold a majority of the seats.” The report suggests placing “independent taxpayer representatives” on the boards.
• Halving the size of the City Council, from 50 aldermen to 25.
• Suspending the creation of new tax-increment financing districts pending a review of the controversial business subsidy program.
• Creating a policy analysis office for the City Council.

The committee that provided Civic Federation staff with input in creating the new report featured several former high-ranking aides to Mayor Richard M. Daley, who retired last month. The committee’s chairwoman, Alicia Berg, was a planning commissioner in the Daley administration. Other committee members include former Daley budget director Bennett Johnson III and one-time chief financial officer Dana Levenson.


  1. I'm in favor of every cut, esp cutting the city council in half. CFD needs to be more efficient too... less fires, less need.

  2. It is so easy to envision the Civic Federation board members nodding approvingly at their boy Rahm, with his latest threat to lay off people who actualy work for a living. Recall in the last 2 years how Rahm, as White House chief of staff, dealt with confronting powerful corporate interests such as the health insurance and pharmacutical lobbies, who fiercly opposed unniversal health care. Rahm urged Obama to bend over backwards to accomadate the demands of these corporate thugs. Contrast that with Rahm urging Obama to "F@#$ the UAW" when the unionized auto industry went bankrupt.

    Now Mayor Emanual routinly threatens working Chicagoans with ultimatums while coddling the Ed Burkes' of this town, who spends taxpayer dollars as if they were his own. The people said they wanted a "strong" mayor when they voted Rahm into office. Well done sheeple.

  3. People, you have to be patient. Rahm has a plan. He is luring jobs back to town. Just a couple of weeks ago, you recall, he stood at the podium with the CEO of Groupon to announce additional staff would be hired over a period of several months. For those not familiar with what Groupon does, they basically hunt down discount coupons so you don't have to. So the plan is to coupon our way back to prosperity.

    Rumor has it that Rahm is about to announce the hiring of Seinfelds' Kramer as a top advisor. Kramers' expertise on collecting and returning bottles and cans to Michigan for 10 cent refunds will be praised by Rahm as his latest cutting edge plan for the people.

    The only downside maybe be the reports coming out of Wallmarts' Arkansas headquarters. Executives there fear Wallmart may soon be too high-end for most Chicago shoppers.

    That remains to be seen. Have faith. Remember, Rahm cut his economic teeth as a young man when President Clinton chose him to be a leading spokesman in support of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). How quickly you cynics forget.

  4. How come few of these alderman are saying anything about anything? Have they no thoughts? Or are they afraid?

  5. Excellent Point 3:19

    Time for a History Lesson:

    Rahm crafted NAFTA. It was his baby. Before the North American Free Trade Agreement the Northwest Highway manufacturing corridor was bustling and busy. Freight train noise was heavy, but everyone tolerated it because it meant neighbors were working.

    Rahm changed all that. Take a drive down Northwest Highway - empty light manufacturing buildings everywhere. Eyesore storage facilities that employ 3 people replaced a small factory that used to employ 300 people. We don;t need anymore Subways, nail salons and empty real estate offices.

    We need our manufacturing back - not groupon, walgreens etc. We need to make something, anything, again. Young people need solid work for a lifetime, not sandwich making skills at subway.

    Tell Rahm, we want to be on the map for being proud of manufacturing and the economic stability it brings.

  6. How come no one's dumping on Daley for the budget problems he left behind? The ultimate phat cat is just getting fatter while everyone is getting stuck with the check to clean up Daley's mess.

  7. Daley is protected. What happened to Blago happened because he fell out with his FIL, Alderman Mell and he lost his party protection. He was isolated and vulnerable and needed to be taught a lesson about messing with Dem powerhouses like Mell, Madigan, etal, who probably called Fitzgerald to rat out Blago.

    But, I'm digressing here. Daley has been involved in 1000% more pay to play illegal activity, cronism, corruption, bribery, extortion, etc...than any politician alive...the difference? He is a protected man. He has strong dem power connections up through the food chain to the top, including a bro who is the pres' right hand man. So who in their right mind is going to point a finger at Daley? No one with any aspirations to see another day in office. The word went out - hands off Daley, let him and his lifetime of criminal activity go unchecked or else...

  8. ...and Fitzgerald is spineless

  9. To 1:20. So does that make Daley the Good, the Bad and the Untouchable all rolled up into one shillelagh? Why couldn't I be born into a gig like that?

  10. Perhaps the bad and untouchable. The only good thing about Daley is that he is gone.

  11. Back to the cuts in CFD

    A couple of thoughts:

    1. CFU needs to form alliances with FOP and CTU, ASAP. If FOP and CFU and CTU would have joined forces in the 41st, they could have run a firefighter/cop/teacher for alderman and that person would have won the ward, easily. And FOP, CFU and CTU interest on City Council could have been strengthened.

    2. City workers unions need to come together and become a united front. Back in the day, it didn't matter if various unions worked independently and maintained fragmented union relationships. But now, in an era where government is out to enslave government workers, there needs to be solidarity, and the RANK & FILE needs to see it, constantly.

    3. Where is CFU counter to this report? Where are CFU's independent reports with the data proving that each and every CFU member is needed in the city? Where are the anectdotal and objective reports outlining number of lives saved and value of property saved by CFU first responders? Where are the reports and the counters? This is a fight CFU. You must be prepared and strong in the war to trash public safety and your jobs.

    - Retired CFF

  12. Does anyone recall the Three Stooges episode when the Firehouse was on fire? It was a sinister salesman who set the Firehouse on fire. The saleman claimed to know more about protecting the public then Fire fighters. Rahm is that salesman. Time for you to put out the fire in your own house.

  13. 11:35am

    Couldn't agree more. Rahm took away CTU raises, refuses to address the 1000+ police officer shortage (which will put the remaining pos at risk getting themselves killed) and now has this report written by his friends at the Civic Federation placing the Chicago Fire Department in the crosshairs. WTF, he has you all on his chopping block. He can't get to all of you if you all stand together. Power and strength in numbers.

    Rahm has a tenuous relationship with firefighters, and don't you think he reached out to this organization of rich folks at the Civic Fed to write an "independent" report to distance himself from a CFD downsizing.

    City worker unions better get it togther and make a pack to lob everything you have at that guy. He sent millions of jobs out of this country with NAFTA, that HE wrote/created without batting an eye. Downsizing city of chicago workers wil be a piece of cake next to that accomplishment.

  14. Rag, Rag, Rag!!! Does anyone out there have Harry Potter's magic wand to come up with the money to prevent budget cuts? Please present your plan to come up with the greenbacks and to improve work efficiency in order to save jobs after presenting your anger.

  15. We need to wave Harry Potter's magic wand to rid the city of corruption & pay to play politics. Another swipe of the wand to get the rich to pay their fair share of taxes.

  16. Boy 11:38, you must have had 2 bowls of corporate flakes this morning. In the 1950s and 60s corporations paid roughly 40% of all U.S. taxes. Today they pay about 7%. Throw in the millionares and bilionaires who avoid taxation buy hiding their stash in offshore accounts, suddenly you have enough greenbacks.

    You also want to "improve worker efficeincy." U.S. workers our rated the most productive on the planet, year after year. And you think workers are the problem?

    This is nuts. Time to start the grill.

  17. HazMat Experts and Firefighters petition Dow Chemical and Union Pacific for safe rail tank cars transporting gas chlorine. Secondary containment is a necessary improvement that must be implemented. See--PETITION C KIT for First Responders Comments.
