Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Tax Cuts for the Merc

A poem from a reader:

Tax cuts for the Merc! Tax cuts for the Merc!
We love to steal your billions
And blame it on the clerks
We want tax cuts – tax cuts – tax cuts for the Merc!

You’re jealous because we are billionaires
Give it up, or we’ll put you in our crosshairs
You better shut up, and get back to work
And cough up tax cuts – tax cuts – tax cuts for the Merc!

Cause of us, kids are starving? Oh boo-hoo
Just cut our tax, or we’ll f@#$%ng starve you
Your just suckers doing the real work
While we’re just laughing – laughing- laughing at the Merc!

We love to sit around and speculate
It’s the world we will obliterate
Since we’re rich, we get all the perks
More tax cuts –tax cuts –tax cuts - for the Merc!

Now our mayor is a well- known inside trader
He’s called ‘The missile’  meaner than Darth Vader
He’s never really done a hard days’ work
And guess what? He wants tax cuts – tax cuts for the Merc!

Now if you refuse, we’ll move out of state
You don’t love us, you lousy ingrates
And to our new hosts we’ll soon be jerks
We’ll scream  ‘More tax cuts – tax cuts –tax cuts for the Merc’!


  1. House voted against, Senate voted for...going nowhere for now.

  2. you call that a poem

  3. I like it - good to laugh at corporate insanity. Hey, 11:12pm, why don't you write a poem?

  4. Blogger here is some thing worth discussing from a Demo: "Catching up on my reading, I just now came across this piece, "The Future of the Obama Coalition," on the website of the New York Times. The author, Thomas Edsall, spent 25 years covering politics for the Washington Post before taking his current position as a journalism professor at Columbia. If I had to make a wager, I'd bet a lot that Edsall is as liberal as any other product of Washington, D.C. newsrooms. But I've met Edsall a few times, and in conversation, as in his large body of work, he strikes me as thoroughly fair-minded.

    Which makes his piece today all the more arresting. An excerpt:

    For decades, Democrats have suffered continuous and increasingly severe losses among white voters. But preparations by Democratic operatives for the 2012 election make it clear for the first time that the party will explicitly abandon the white working class.

    All pretense of trying to win a majority of the white working class has been effectively jettisoned in favor of cementing a center-left coalition made up, on the one hand, of voters who have gotten ahead on the basis of educational attainment — professors, artists, designers, editors, human resources managers, lawyers, librarians, social workers, teachers and therapists — and a second, substantial constituency of lower-income voters who are disproportionately African-American and Hispanic.

    The New Class plus poor people of color.

    Everybody deserves representation, of course, and who knows? That coalition may indeed put Obama over the top.

    But the Democratic Party of Franklin Roosevelt and John Kennedy and Hubert Humphrey--the party that prided itself on championing the ordinary working American--has utterly vanished.

  5. Roses are read violets are blue and we are all screwed unless we wake up and make the democrats take off...yes its true.

  6. How did the Senator and State Rep vote?

  7. I would have said, 'With about as much charisma as Darth Vader.'

  8. McAuliffe - voted no

    Mulroe - voted yes

    No surprizes

  9. Hate to say it but have to agree with Mulroe on this one.

  10. Hate to say it but I have to disagree with Mulroe on this one.

  11. So glade the House said NO.

    Mulroe voted for the 67% tax increase for working people and a tax CUT for corporations trying to blackmail the state. What is up with that?

  12. Mulroe votes the way his sugar daddy president of the senate tells him to vote.

  13. I voted for Mulroe, but I regret that now. I just don't think he is in sync with his constituents and is voting the way Madigan and Cullerton tell him to. Disappointing.

  14. Senate bill was a stupid bill. Need to come up with a way to reduce taxes for all corps if you're going to do it or be held to extortion from criminals like CME every year.

  15. Off Topic:

    I wanted to acknowledge the comments sent about the hookah lounge. I sent an email to the Alderman's office asking if the permit/license was granted. Waiting for a response...

  16. Follow the money. Powers that be spent a million dollars to get Mulroe elected. Of course he votes the way he is told. Don't worry though they will give him a few bills to vote opposite the leaders to make him look independent. Of course they will be votes that don't matter.

  17. How many times over the years has the State, and other taxing bodies shook their finger at smokers and told them that in order to save them from themselves, they would have to be taxed. The righteous taxers hated the self-inflicted destruction so much that they had to act. Should'nt the same righteous logic be used to raise the CME tax, rather than cut it? After all, the Board of Trade ruthlessly games the commodities market; resulting in mass-famine, not to mention farmer-suicide, all over the impoverished world. Then the CME turns a blind eye while 1.2 billion dollars goes missing.

    The CME/Sears vote was a get-me-over fastball, Sen Mulroe. Somehow, you missed.
