Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Attention Bicyclists: December Public Meeting

Streets for Cycling Plan 2020

The City of Chicago is embarking on this plan to identify a network of bicycling facilities that will ensure all Chicagoans, from children riding to school to senior citizens riding to the grocery store, feel safe and comfortable riding their bike on the city’s streets. We want your input! Come tell us how to improve your bicycling experience, where improvements are needed, and what would encourage you to bicycle in Chicago!

December 10
10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
23 E. Madison St. (storefront)

Three additional public meetings will be held later this winter.

Like us at for additional meeting information.
(To request a reasonable accommodation, contact or call 630-534-6400. At least 72 hours advance notice is required.) In the event of inclement weather, please check or the Streets for Cycling Plan 2020 Facebook page for meeting rescheduling information.


  1. Attn: Democratic Machine

    Stop expanding bike lanes and thus reducing car lanes. The travel times are increasing everyday because of your actions. Stop the nonsense, we live in Chicago not Maui.


  2. Most cars are out there with 1 person in them. If a bunch of those cars are replaced by people on bikes or riding public transit, then there is MORE space on the road and fewer traffic delays. Food for thought...
