Wednesday, April 6, 2011

O'Connor Defeats Gavin...

From the Nadig News

O'Connor defeats Gavin in close runoff race for 41st Ward aldermanic seat
Mary O’Connor defeated Maurita Gavin in a close race to replace retiring 41st Ward Alderman Brian Doherty in the runoff election held April 5.
With 100 percent of precincts reporting, O’Connor received 7,332 of the votes, or 50.9 percent of the total against 7,067, or 49.1 percent, for Gavin, according to early results from the Chicago Board of Election Commissioners.
In the Feb. 22 election, O’Connor and Gavin finished ahead of nine other candidates to make the runoff, with O’Connor receiving 6,126 votes, or 30.5 percent of the ballots cast, to 5,022, or 25.0 percent for Gavin.
O’Connor is the 41st Ward Democratic committeeman and the owner of the O’Connor’s Deli and Market and Unforgettable Edibles Catering, 7280 W. Devon Ave. Gavin has served for 15 years as an administrative assistant to Doherty.
 Gavin ran on her experience working in the ward office and her knowledge of ward issues. O’Connor campaigned on improving the ward’s infrastructure, bringing in new businesses and helping residents navigate the city’s bureaucracy.
During the final weeks of the campaign, a flier circulating in the ward accused O’Connor of registering to vote at her business address so that she could vote in a referendum affecting the business, a claim that O’Connor called “false.” Gavin denied involvement in the publication of the flier and said that her campaign had been the victim of “robocalls” that misrepresented her views.


  1. yes, when Gavin wasn't digging dirt and slinging mud, she was acting the victim. So glad O'Connor won. Need a change around here - no more same ole, same ole

  2. There was a different population living in the ward years ago when Doherty was first elected. Since then, there has been a shift to younger families who need good schools, safe environments and jobs to stay here. The older folks have moved out, and those were the people Gavin was counting on. The younger voter wants a do something, more progressive and reform minded from before -

  3. Time to move on here, with some hope

  4. Maybe Nadig will hire Doherty and Gavin to deliver newspapers - I hear they have recent experience

  5. From the Three Stooges Episode "Hoi Poloi"

    "Last one in is a Republican"

  6. To 7:22, they will both be fine. Some wards (ahem, 36th!) realized the lies they were being fed by the SEIU and Democratic Machine and they voted for independence. They are now the only bastion of hope in the city after Garrido and Gavin losing.

  7. 8:27am: Are you kidding? 36th Ward Banks was joined at the hip with Doherty - in fact, there was an investigation of some dealings Banks had with Doherty that came very close to an indictment.

  8. 41st hasn't been a republican ward for a long time

  9. Agreed, there have been some very convoluted interparty relationships between Doherty and mobbed up dems for a long time - everything isnt as it seems

  10. Just watch for Doherty "payback" at next week's city council meeting. Doherty will vote for privitization of recycling just to screw city workers.

  11. 41 sold another seat to the SEIU and machine. Mulroe and O'Connor are nice people who have no idea who they have jumped into bed with. Political virgins who are decent people and will have a tough time living with themselves as they realize more and more that they sold out in middle age to a bunch of mob connected crooks. Doherty played the game but he never sold out. Glad I moved out of state several years ago. The last patch of independence in the City is gone, at least for now.

  12. I didn't know how to vote on this one at first, but I didn't want Gavin. Nothing against her except I don't think "Brian Doherty's administrative assistant" and "knowledge of ward issues" is what I need in a leader.

    I'm surprised how close the election is. Maybe I credit the last minute smears Gavin (Doherty?) played on O'Connor.

    Why didn't Doherty run again?

  13. Hey, 8:38, check the Chicago Board of Elections website results from Doherty-Mulroe election in the 41st Ward and then try to tell me that this isn't a Republican ward and/or the voters don't like Doherty.

  14. only 27% of the 41st Ward are registered as republicans

  15. Gavin had friends and family working for her. I saw SEIU, 36th ward guys and 40th ward guys working for O'Connor. 40 is home to Rham's future floor leader's ward. We won't even get into where the money came from. 41 has no Alderman come May. And the well intentioned clueless O'Connor voters will be scratching their heads trying to figure out what happened.

  16. I have been a municipal goverment employee for 18 years, and reading about what is happening to Wisconsin govt workers losing their right to collectively bargain has made me very grateful for the SEIU.

    I have seen these comments that demonize their work and their support of union workers and it makes me shutter. The SEUI tends to represent workers who have less than desirable jobs - the janitors, the nursing assistants who work in nursing homes, kitchen staff, laborers, etc...

    These workers would not be treated well, nor have dignity if it weren't for the SEIU.

    The SEUI uses worker PAC dollars to make sure the working man/women in the world get a fair shake at health care benefits, retirement funds, etc...

    Other union members from other unions benefit from their activities and actions - so, see what happens here, first before they have actually done anything.

  17. ....they haven;t actually done anything, yet, is what I meant to type.

  18. I agree with 1:37pm. The SEIU is not the demon here - politicians that want to strip government workers of their rights are the demons. Brian Doherty ran on a platform stating he would bust government worker unions. In this day and age of workers being trampled, including CPD, CFF, CTU - all unions have to stand together or soon we will be Wall Mart workers making min wage and without health care or the ability to retire before 90 y/o

  19. We have to remember that at the end of the race, O'Connor went to a new low with the ads against Gavin. I heard many people that were on the fence, switch to Gavin because they were disgusted with her new tactic. Let's hope she can represents the needs of our ward. She has a lot to learn.

  20. O'Conner had lots of votes from Gonzalez followers. Good to see him at her victory party. Very classy.

  21. I admit ALL the adds were dumb. What I saw at one of the forums and on the Channel 11 interview was to much emotionalism, and Gavin not speaking about the issues when offered the chance. I want a professional, who leaves the high school emotions at home. Gavin seemed more about herself then the ward - I was turned off by that

  22. I think the Anonymous 4:17 comment has the history exactly backwards. O'Connor attacked Gavin in mailpieces for not supporting an inspector general and for the delivery of ward services. She didn't say anything negative about Gavin's character or that she was a bad person.

    Gavin flooded porches and mailboxes with a bunch of different flyers attacking O'Connor for a whole slew of things and saying that she was an untrustworthy person because a bunch of different things (voting, etc). That last flyer they blitzed throughout the ward was incredibly nasty.

    Trying to say that she didn't pay property taxes was a bit insulting to the voter - but apparently it worked for a lot of people. You can't run for office if you even owe a $50 parking ticket to the city, much less property taxes.

    Also, what's wrong with renters or people west of Cumberland? The Gavin camp was just so nasty. I wish they would have avoided all that.

  23. I dealt with both campaigns on a professional level and was really surprised at the differences in their campaign attitudes. O'Connor's campaign staff were professional and businesslike. The Gavin campaign, not so much. I picked up an entitlement attitude along with a negative, self-righteous flavor to everthing they did. Not a cheerful bunch either.

  24. I thought the property tax thing was a real reach - and in many wards, slamming renters would have not gotten you elected. But the Gavin platform was a dirt digging, mean one and it didn't work.

  25. 11:56am - being surrounded by family and friends insulated Gavin. I don't think she connected to people out of her loop much. And as ALderman, I think you have to reach out to others for help at times.

  26. Did Gavin ever call O'Connor to congratulate her?

  27. I agree with the comment about Gonzalez being a class act - he is a genuine public servant. When he didn't make the run off he kept working to make sure the community was educated about the importance of voting and he supported the most qualified candidate in the run off. I sincerly hope he considers another political office in the future. Our first exposure of him to the community was very positive and I liked his energy.

  28. I bet the Mulroe/O'Connor/Democratic Machine will be running Gonzalez against McAullife in November of 2012 for State Rep. That would complete their takeover of power from the Doherty/McAullife organization that has run the area for a couple decades.

  29. I concur with the April 7 11:55 comment. I would not be surprised. If it wasn't for Gonzalez - O'Conner would not have gotten in. O'Conner owes Gonzalez big time and it would be one way of paying him back.

  30. O'connor owes more than gonzalez, she owes everyone, now we just whores of Madigan

  31. @ 7:26pm Your language and grammar screams credibility and knowledge

  32. I was a volunteer for O'Connor's campaign. I donated time because compared to Gavin she was the better person or so I thought. Had Gavin been elected Doherty would have been the wizard behind the curtain. Now that the election is over and after serious thinking I realize she was not the best person. Already her lies and deceit are apparent. I walked many miles, rang many doorbells, hosted several parties and was promised a well paying position in her administration. Well guess what???? Inaguration is monday and I never received a call from her. She's full of crap and since she is now alderman I will sell my house and my husband and I and our children will move out of the ward. Mary O'Connor sucks

  33. O'Connor doesn't owe anything to Gonzalez. Sure, he supported her after she defeated him in the primary but so did 6 other candidates. Why is there nothing mentioned about them? Barb Ateca supported Mary, walked the ward for her all the way up to the election and attended the whole party. I was priviledged to spend a good amount of time talking with her at the victory party. By the way, I'm sorry I supported O'Connor. She's full of s ---
