Monday, April 4, 2011

Mary O'Connor WINS


  1. I just got back from voting at noon and I was voter #80 for the precinct...slow

  2. 31% projected for the 41st Ward - we will see....


  4. O'Connor wins by 250 votes....we have our Ward back

  5. O'Connor and Arena WIN

  6. I guess all the mudsling and dirt digging didn't work so well.

  7. McAuliffe is going to be written out, so Silvestri will be all alone

  8. I wonder where the new office will be?


  10. I wonder if Gavin will call and congratulate O'Connor.....?

  11. Congratulations 41st. You have elected the candidate that has proven to be the least ethical of all the people who ran in February .

  12. REAL NICE WIN THERE MARY !!! 2 year in the works and 50K from SEIU and you won by 265 votes LOL listen to the STUPID Democrats and they are dumb people..... We got our ward back LOL YOU LOST YOUR WARD YOU IDIOTS... YOUR ALDERMAN IS OWNED NOW......... GOOD LUCK SHES GONNA NEED IT BIG TIME.......OF COURSE YOU LOSER OCONNOR VOTERS (yes your losers even though u won) wont post this either CAUSE ITS NOT FOR MARRRRRRRRRRRYYYYYY LOL this should be good Gavin would have been a great alderman .. this one HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH C H O K E

  13. S E I U WON PEOPLE and barely after all that money...... ARENA AND OCONNOR is a loss for the people of those wards.... BAIL NOW if you can sell.....

  14. The new office will be where ever Mary decides to vote from. Most likely
    DesPlaines or a tax free district. I don't know where ever her brother owns

  15. Real Democrats wont even give this idiot the time of day. Congratulations Mary....its going to be nice having the Alderman as a neighbor !!!

  16. They both kind of sucked, but there is no doubt in my mind that Gavin was the better candidate. Good luck will need it.
    And, if this gets posted, 10:10, please learn what you are talking about before you ever speak.

  17. Remember when we took pride in our independence from the rest of city? Well, now we are just another ward in the city. We lost any shred of independence we ever had. SEIU and the Democratic Machine owns us now.

  18. Just read Gavin didn't call O'Connor to congradulate her...poor sport

  19. Have to say, the Gavin campaign had a mean spirit from the beginning. I'm not surprised they are bitter. They were unbelievibly bitter when Doherty lost to Mulroe.

    Tine to move on Gavin and Doherty, the people sent a message.

  20. Mean spirited - good word for the Gavin people

  21. 5:10am - many of us haven't felt a sense of pride for a long time. The ward was let go by a complacent alderman, who has many issues, and a less then service oriented staff, who couldn't even manage to put up a website for direct service issues in the year 2011.

    I'm just hoping that Doherty and Gavin move along and don't get in the way of progress

  22. I hope we all move on and give our new Alderman our support and confidence. I am so tired of the negativity on both sides. We have a great ward and it's only through our combined efforts that it will stay that way.

  23. 7:12am agreed, but those of us who had to endure Gavin/Doherty for many years, need a few days to gloat.

  24. When does she start? Based on her mailer I'm going to be calling from day 1 wanting to know when the pot holes will be fixed.

    And Congrats! You all elected who rents and does not pay property taxes, has no kids period so no interest in the schools, and finally lied on the voter reg card. Again, Congrats!

  25. I could tell, over the past week or so, people were gravitating to O'Connor, especially those who were disinterested in the past. Even the comments on this blog started leaning toward O'connor at the end. I think this blog did help me to understand how others were thinking and why

  26. I wasn;t surprised. have been wanting a change for awhile, and I voted for Doherty in the past. Its just time for some new thinking

  27. I think Gavin's campaign focusing on hurting O'Connor is what did her in... If she would have stuck to the issues and her plan for the future, she would have pulled it off. But I never heard a plan for the future - she never came out and said how she would run the office differently -

  28. Races that are well run and issues focused do well, I agree. Going after an opponent for something she admitted she did wrong seven years ago looked petty and insignificant. If O'Connor had denied it, would of been a different story. Yes, it was technically wrong, but what the Gavin campaign couldn't convince people of was that it caused harm. The intent to commit a crime wasn't there and the fact that the Gavin group
    tried to disemminate the accusations via a made up group "Citizens for an Ethical Chicago" via a hand flyer delivered by the current alderman made them look nuts.

  29. The flyer againt O'Connor was awesome. It showed how pathetic she was. Incidently, we already knew how pathetic Gavin was. I and my extended family refused to vote in this election. We now know the base level of hack voters in the 41st ward.

  30. It would be intelligent of anyone who truly cares about the ward to make sure Alderman O'Connor hears your opinions and needs. Seems as though some people love gloating and complaining more than striving to get your voice across to your representative, and thus will never give Mary a chance because they are obvious Gavin supporters. Gavin seemed timid in both seperating and tying herself to Doherty. I voted O'Connor and I see a strong voice for us. If she ignores your calls and can't give you rationality for her decisions, then you have the right to complain. But as of now all she has done is won the seat running a clean campaign.

  31. I was a volunteer for Mary O'Connor, both in the first and run-off elections. I worked many hours and was always told, as were all her volunteers, that she was running a clean campaign and would not tolerate any dirty politics and was only running a clean campaign.

  32. I really couldn't decide who I wanted to vote for so I first volunteered for Gavin then for O'Connor. The difference in the campaigns was like night and day. Gavin couldn't address the issues. Her mantra was "i'm a poor widow who had to raise 3 boys on my own" She was always on the attack. And that bs story about her campaign not knowing who passed out the negative flyers about O'Connor was a bunch of BS. She gave her ok on everything and it was Doherty who was actually seen putting these flyers in mailboxes. O'Connor on the other hand always stressed that she was running a clean campaign and would not tolerate negativity and believe me she had some juicy stuff about Gavin. The best person was elected
