Wednesday, November 13, 2013

16th District Beat Meeting Cancelled for the Third Time Due to Technical Difficulties? Come On!

So, for the third month in a row, the 16th District Webinar Beat meeting has been cancelled due to "technical difficulties"?  Is this real?  Or more of the cutbacks to the 16th District?  What do we have to do in the 16th District to have ANY attention brought to public safety?


  1. Believe me the Commander of the 16th has no intention of holding a meeting of any kind!

  2. Interesting. couldn't find a police officer to run the meeting, most likely

  3. So did O'Connor vote FOR an elected school board? Hell no, she supports Rahm, not us. See if you can find anything about how she votes on her website. Ha, just bake sale notices on her website.
