Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Next 41st Ward Alderman


I have received a number of requests to discuss who 41st Ward constituents would like to see run for Alderman in 2015.  So, this is an open post.  Start the discussion


  1. Just make sure we switch all the pols out and put new people in. And I hope none of the bunch who ran in 2011 run again - we can do better.

    1. Arnold.. Why don't you run? Let's see your life accomplishments. Are you clean? Are you educated? Are you multiple Chicago generation grounded? Do you have any bankruptcies? Do you take any mood altering medications?

      Arnold, it goes on and on. It's impossible to be the perfect candidate, so let's see what you got kid.

  2. Change! Rahm and O'Connor out!

  3. We can't do better. The Irish neighborhoods liked O'Connor and Gavin. They are tied together with Mulroe. Look Gavin even got a job with Sposato.

    It's all rigged folks. An outsider is not liked because the gravy train would come to a screeching stop, and then this blog would have nothing to discuss.

  4. Jan 17th Sun-Times headline: ALDERMAN CALL FOR IG PROBE OF JANITOR DEAL. This story broke in the S-T a few days ago. Rahm hired a non-union firm to perform cleaning duties at the airport, replacing a unionized firm. Today's report states that 5 Alderman think this deal is so mobbed-up it warrants an investigation. Our Alderman, Mary O'Conner, is as quiet as a church mouse - despite the fact the airport is in her ward.

    Alderman O'Conner, you need to wake up. Two years ago, Rahm lost the 41st ward by a wide margin. He will lose by an even wider margin in 2015. Unless you start representing the interests of your ward - not Pat O'Conner's interests - not Rahm's interests - you will swirl down drain with him.

  5. Actually I would like to see that hispanic cop run for alderman again. I want to say his name was Gonzalez? The guy had a great background because he owns a large property management company. That shows more leadership than slinging sandwiches at a deli. It is a shame that too many of my fellow Irishmen are racists and would never vote for a non white candidate. It is an embarassment to watch MOC rubber stamp everything Rahm wants.

    1. Gonzalez should run again. I'm not buying the Irish spin though. I'm 100% Irish and I voted for Gonzalez last time around. Has more to do with who has the big money. We need to put laws into place limiting campaign financing, so that even the non-mobbed up, non - wealthy, non-connected have a chance of representing the ward. O'Connor was a mistake (and her opponent in the run off would have been a mistake too). She can function as an office manager, but little else.

    2. Dude, you need to see the ungodly amount of money Gonzalez spent on the campaign compared to others. Go to the illinois board of elections. Lastly, his campaign manager is the senior advisor to O'Conner. You are not being forthcoming.

  6. I've spoken to O'connor in person and heard her speak at a few meetings. She consistently states her hands are tied about everything. Not once have I heard what she has done to actually fight for us, especially getting more police. Disappointing. Let's get someone in there who isn't afraid of the Mayor.

  7. Hello,

    I am seriously considering running for alderman in the upcoming election. I have been speaking with a few other alderman from around the city about how to get a campaign off the ground and as soon as I do, I will be posting more information. I grew up in the 41st, went to Immaculate Conception and St. Patrick High School. Most of my family works for the city: Cops, Streets and Sanitation, Teachers, and the list is bigger when you account for family friends. I am still in the exploratory stage of running so if you want more information or want to offer feedback, please contact me at

    1. The candidate I will support will be the one who goes on record opposing the re-election of mayor Rahm Emanuel. So what say you, Brian? Do you oppose or support the mayor?

    2. The first candidate who states, "I can work with any mayor", should be forced to pick up all cigarette butts in and around the Emerald Isle by hand.

    3. I dislike Rahm's performance as mayor. He has not had a positive impact on the city from what I can tell and because of this he should be voted out. What has he done to help the average Chicagoan? But on the flip side, how different would it be if a different mayor entered office?

      The issue is with the entire Chicago way of doing things. People who work and live in the "system" have always done what they are told. This is my biggest issue with the current situation. Too many people try to work their way into the system and not enough people try to transcend it. It would be nice to have somebody that wasn't afraid to stand by their principles. Someone who isn't afraid of failing.

    4. I've read most of this blog on the question of the next 41st ward Alderman. After voting for Mary in the primary and watched her beating 9 other candidates, I thought, wow, here's a person who can make it happen. Then she went on to beat the Doherty-McAuliffe team and defeated Gavin. So this means, she has won fair and square. Since it's a democracy, The Alderman has the duty to serve and do whats best for the community and I have seen tremendous improvements. I can't say that about the last Alderman. He let us all down, voted for the parking meters and the Ward was crumbling.

    5. The last alderman was no prize, that is for sure. And how he lasted in the position for 20 years is the greatest mystery. But to say Mary O'Connor is better than the worst tells me we have a less than average alderman in place. Just to put some perspective on this - my dog Ralph could have done a better job than the last alderman. Doesn't mean he is what this ward deserves.

    6. We have overcrowded schools, no police on the streets anymore, red light cameras in major intersections, no solutions to the pension crisis because Rahm won't tax corporations who are pillaging the city, and no jobs anywhere (thanks to Rahm who manufactured NAFTA under the Clinton administration). So where are the accomplishments? The new school additions were slated before the current alderman was in office, so she can't take credit for that. I saw a few street repairs on streets that were 20 years overdue and ready to cave in. But that's it. Current alderman has done some maintenance, but nothing at all to advocate for less overcrowding in the schools, more police, job growth.

  8. We need new blood in the race and need to defeat the "yes" person currently in office.
    Ald. Oconnor has proven untrustworthy,I refer to her flip on the speed camera issue as one example when after publicly stating she was not a supporter weeks later voted in favor of it.
    We need a community leader not a mayor's puppet.

  9. Rahm did not win the 41st ward. Unfortunately he had a puppet in place. Whoever runs has to completely distance him/herself from Rahm. Mary thinks her relationship works to help improve the ward. Haven't seen any evidence of the Rahm/O'Connor relationship working to help any of us - our schools are overcrowded, our cops are gone (and not being replaced), and our property tax bills are higher than ever.


    Rahm here. You may stand down.

    Earlier today, I proclaimed my latest plan to reduce the level of violence on our streets (ok, your streets. I refuse to go west of Ashland). I have ordered all cops sitting behind a desk to hit the streets. I've had it with thier lame exuses - bad backs from car wrecks - bullet wounds that are slow to heal - cops refusing to work with casts on broken bones.

    Please. It is time for them to suck it up and hit the streets. I would not ask anyone to do anything I would not do myself. I too suffer from a workplace injury, which cost me my most important finger - the tip of my middle finger.

    Despite the emotional and psychological damage I suffer from my grievous wound, I soldier on. Each and every day I rise up and stroll out to my waiting bodyguard-driven SUV, and serve the citizens of Chicago. So when I give an order like the one issued today, I do so knowing that not only do I talk the talk, I walk the walk.

    That said, I order all citizens to get back to work, especially our low-wage citizens. And feed those !#$%^& -*&^%$#@ parking meters. That is all.

