Updated on August 27, 2011
Stop by if you have a few minutes.. Lots of information from city, county and state offices & departments. kids activities, bingo, popcorn. Well organized and informative!
A few things I learned from talking to the various department reps:
- 16th District CAPS Officer, J. Whalen, gave me a "Community Alert" to share with my senior friends & neighbors, specifically describing " individuals posing as tradesmen, city employees or utility workers who work in groups of 2 or 3. One member of the group diverts the attention of the victim while the other enter the home & steal valuables".
- The Maryville Crisis Nursery Director spoke to me about donating used clothes and children's items to the Maryville Resale Store in DesPlaines. She said through the resale store profits, her program received over $11,000. Send your donations to Maryville, a great cause! For more information phone the Maryville Crisis Nursery Help Line at 773.205.3637.
- At the Veteran's Health Administration table, I learned about a new on-line personal health record service for vets: you can reorder prescription meds, receive wellness & appt reminders, keep an entire journal of your military health history, make appointments and more. Give Valerie Creedon, LCSW, OEF/OIF Program Manager, a call if you have any vet questions at 312.569.6516
- The Cook County Forest Preserve rep gave me a rather large map of the Cook County Forest Presrves, entitled: "Live Healthy, Discover Nature" She recommended checking out their website at www. fpdcc.com to learn about specifc activities.
A few pictures ... Click on picture for a larger view
Many city, county and state department tables loaded with important information for seniors, families, veterans, parents and community residents. |
Kids having fun |
Illinois Department of Transportation Promoting Safe Car Seat Use Peter McGahan, Community Relations Manager recommends parents check out http://www.buckleupillinois.org/ for important child carseat safety information |
Resource Fair at Dunham Park August 27, 2011 |
10th District Fair
The fair will feature booths from a wide variety of agencies and sponsors, including:
- Secretary of State
- Attorney General's Office
- State Treasurer's Office
- Illinois Student Assistance Commission
- Chicago Police and Fire Departments
- Illinois Department of Employment Security
- Veterans' Services
- Free blood pressure screenings, health information, refreshments, entertainment, games, raffle, giveaways, face painting, inflatable jump house for kids, and much more!
Dunham Park is located at 4638 N. Melvina Avenue, Chiago, Illinois.
For more information, contact Senator Mulroe's 10th district office at:
6125 N. Northwest Highway
Chicago, IL 60631
Tel 773.763.3810
Fax 773.763.3881
Just more big D marketing. Stop spending money already. These things cost money. All it does is perpetuate the dependance on government mindset.
ReplyDeleteI'm a republican senior citizen and I want to see more information about government and services for seniors, NOT Less. A resource fair has nothing to do with political ideology. It has everything to do with providing government service to taxpayers. I didn't vote for the Senator, but I'm glad he hasn't forgotten about us.
ReplyDeleteTo the person who commented at 11:56, you must be one of those tea party whackos who has wrecked the republican party. Shame on you.
Resource Fair? Sorry I've got nothing left. Thanks to the new tax hike
ReplyDeleteeducating community people is always a win/win. I didn't vote for Mulrow either, but I do like some of the law enforcement legislation he has introduced and voted for.
ReplyDeleteHe also voted for a tax increase, and i voted for him too.
ReplyDeleteTo 8/24 11:56am
ReplyDeleteYeah, you're right. A resource fair is a terrible thing.... Why educate anyone? we should all go to the Emerald Isle and drink all day and night.
the new property tax hike via Rahm is terrible, 8:43am. We need to start taxing wealth corporations who take all the city resources and give NOTHING BACK!
ReplyDeletetax the corporate giants who take our money overseas anyway. I don't care about threats to move to Indiana. Indiana voters will learn when they are paying for corporate welfare via higher taxes very soon. And then these corporate idiots will be back at our door looking for handouts
ReplyDeletecorporations are draining our city budget. Corps who don't pay taxes have employees who send their kids to our schools, use our parks, public safety services and everything else we taxpayers pay for. They need to pay up, like everyone else. Corporations are people too, ya know.
ReplyDeleteWe don't have many corporations left in this city or state. they are leaving daily. (Modern Forge). So we should put a higher tax on whoever is left.
ReplyDeleteto 12:25pm
ReplyDeleteThe corps who are here aren't paying taxes anyway - they are costing the taxpayers a fortune in corporate welfare benefits. there is no "higher" tax.
ANY tax would help
Mulroe and O'Connor are out in the field talking to people, something the last alderman never, ever did. This part of town has been disconnected for a very long time.
ReplyDeleteI hope they got approval from Madigan. they can't make a move without his blessing.
ReplyDeletelighten up all you republican sore losers - its a simple resource fair.
ReplyDeleteCorporations don't pay taxes, yet they benefit tremendously from our tax dollars, services and amenities. YES, corporations should be supporting public school education.
ReplyDelete4:10 is a fireman, i bet.
ReplyDeleteI stopped by with the kids. They had a good time. I had a chance to talk with Alderman O'Connor and Senator Mulroe. I met another alderman too, but didn't catch his name. I got a chance to hear abit of what's going on and I bent their ears some too.