Kicked down the road
Chicago taxpayers can count on taking the hit when Emanuel's trust comes home to roost
Ald. Scott Waguespack, 32nd, speaks out
against the infrastructure trust bill. The City Council passed the measure 41-7.
Stone, Tribune photo / April 24, 2012)
Watching Chicago taxpayers
being primed for a kick in the teeth is an old story by now, and what happened
at City
Hall on Tuesday is yesterday's news.
The teeth-kicking this time hasn't actually happened yet. That's news of the future. But we chumbolones know it is inevitable, the teeth skittering on the pavement of the Chicago Way like moist and shiny breath mint. What I saw at City Hall on Tuesday were the feet drawing back, heels ready, mulelike, all 41 of the legs belonging to the Chicago aldermen who voted for Mayor Rahm Emanuel's big idea of an infrastructure "trust," which is a slick way of spending money the city doesn't have and putting it on the people's credit card.
So the 41 became his, cleaving to him with the promise of jobs and deals. They call themselves Democrats but really they're Rahmulans now, giving the mayor the right to handpick the moneymen who'll choose the projects, which will allow the aldermen time for meaningful work, like sleeping and eating.
Even before they voted for the "trust," the aldermen stood and offered up their wish lists like spoiled children on a department store Santa's lap. They know the city is in the hole and still they want to spend and spend as if they work in Washington. One said she wanted her old streets fixed, another wanted a housing project revitalized, a third said she hoped for fiber-optic cable throughout her ward and so on, 41 sets of eager paws reaching for presents.
Some of the older aldermen snickered. They'd seen it before. They know how things work. The mayor wanted and the mayor got. He threatened some and he smooched others, but at least the Rahmfather knows what he's about and said so. Years from now, he'll be on a national political ticket while other guys are answering federal grand jury subpoenas.
And the rest of Tuesday's meeting was just waiting for the council to roll over, so Rahm could pat their tummies and make their legs kick, like so many loyal mutts waiting for meaty treats.
"I don't know if I should laugh or cry," said Ald. Scott Waguespack, 32nd, who voted "no" along with six other aldermen forming the Magnificent Seven, the group that realizes there is no free lunch, and that the bill will come due. "It was pushed through. I want the city to prosper. But there were seven of us who are worried about what will happen to the taxpayers down the line."
For the record, the Magnificent Seven who voted for democracy were Waguespack; Robert Fioretti, 2nd; Leslie Hairston, 5th; Toni Foulkes, 15th; Ricardo Munoz, 22nd; Brendan Reilly, 42nd; and John Arena, 45th.
Hairston, who seems to be building a political future, was inspiring. She said that aldermen were sent to City Hall to watch over the people's money, not to give that responsibility away to a handpicked mayoral panel that may or may not tell taxpayers who gets what. Foulkes said her voters in Englewood don't believe it when City Hall says "trust me."
But the 41 Rahmulans trust the "trust" with your money. Their names are listed in the news story in today's Tribune. Remember them.
A novel idea would be to identify much-needed infrastructure projects, then tax the people to pay for them. It's called pay-as-you-go. But that's difficult. It's much easier to kick their teeth in later.
One leading Rahmulan is Ald. Joe Moore, 41st, who told his colleagues not to worry, that everything will be transparent in the future, that the mayor's lawyers told him so. What happened to the old Joe Moore, who would have demanded that aldermen not hand their responsibilities to a handpicked panel of moneymen?
"I'm the same Joe Moore," Moore told me.
The lead Rahmulan was Ald. Patrick O'Connor, 40th, and as the mayor's floor leader perhaps we should call him Rahmulan Prime. He said he wished he had the booming voice of former Ald. (now U.S. Rep.) Danny K. Davis, so he could "talk about Walt Whitman's poem about the city of the broad shoulders."
Nobody told him it was Carl Sandburg, not Whitman, but at least the Rahmfather had the decency to wince.
Of course, I could be wrong about the "trust." It could happen that 30,000 jobs are created and it won't cost taxpayers a dime and the projects pay off and the moneymen make their interest and the fees for CTA ridership or the city's parks aren't increased to pay for it. But we of Chumbolone Nation know better.
Still, the Rahmfather is pleased. He saw a need, and the last guy — the one they don't dare to name — spent all the money and Rahm wants to spend more. The concrete and asphalt kings are gleeful, as are the guys from labor and business. Of course, they're receiving, not paying.
In the council gallery sitting behind the aldermen were a row of guys in Windbreakers, sleeves pulled up to their forearms. The one with the least amount of neck wore sunglasses. Indoors. After the vote they were pleased.
"It gets a lot of people back to work," said a guy from the laborers union who said his name was Frank. Just Frank.
He didn't have to say anything else. The Rahmulans had spoken.
The teeth-kicking this time hasn't actually happened yet. That's news of the future. But we chumbolones know it is inevitable, the teeth skittering on the pavement of the Chicago Way like moist and shiny breath mint. What I saw at City Hall on Tuesday were the feet drawing back, heels ready, mulelike, all 41 of the legs belonging to the Chicago aldermen who voted for Mayor Rahm Emanuel's big idea of an infrastructure "trust," which is a slick way of spending money the city doesn't have and putting it on the people's credit card.
So the 41 became his, cleaving to him with the promise of jobs and deals. They call themselves Democrats but really they're Rahmulans now, giving the mayor the right to handpick the moneymen who'll choose the projects, which will allow the aldermen time for meaningful work, like sleeping and eating.
Even before they voted for the "trust," the aldermen stood and offered up their wish lists like spoiled children on a department store Santa's lap. They know the city is in the hole and still they want to spend and spend as if they work in Washington. One said she wanted her old streets fixed, another wanted a housing project revitalized, a third said she hoped for fiber-optic cable throughout her ward and so on, 41 sets of eager paws reaching for presents.
Some of the older aldermen snickered. They'd seen it before. They know how things work. The mayor wanted and the mayor got. He threatened some and he smooched others, but at least the Rahmfather knows what he's about and said so. Years from now, he'll be on a national political ticket while other guys are answering federal grand jury subpoenas.
And the rest of Tuesday's meeting was just waiting for the council to roll over, so Rahm could pat their tummies and make their legs kick, like so many loyal mutts waiting for meaty treats.
"I don't know if I should laugh or cry," said Ald. Scott Waguespack, 32nd, who voted "no" along with six other aldermen forming the Magnificent Seven, the group that realizes there is no free lunch, and that the bill will come due. "It was pushed through. I want the city to prosper. But there were seven of us who are worried about what will happen to the taxpayers down the line."
For the record, the Magnificent Seven who voted for democracy were Waguespack; Robert Fioretti, 2nd; Leslie Hairston, 5th; Toni Foulkes, 15th; Ricardo Munoz, 22nd; Brendan Reilly, 42nd; and John Arena, 45th.
Hairston, who seems to be building a political future, was inspiring. She said that aldermen were sent to City Hall to watch over the people's money, not to give that responsibility away to a handpicked mayoral panel that may or may not tell taxpayers who gets what. Foulkes said her voters in Englewood don't believe it when City Hall says "trust me."
But the 41 Rahmulans trust the "trust" with your money. Their names are listed in the news story in today's Tribune. Remember them.
A novel idea would be to identify much-needed infrastructure projects, then tax the people to pay for them. It's called pay-as-you-go. But that's difficult. It's much easier to kick their teeth in later.
One leading Rahmulan is Ald. Joe Moore, 41st, who told his colleagues not to worry, that everything will be transparent in the future, that the mayor's lawyers told him so. What happened to the old Joe Moore, who would have demanded that aldermen not hand their responsibilities to a handpicked panel of moneymen?
"I'm the same Joe Moore," Moore told me.
The lead Rahmulan was Ald. Patrick O'Connor, 40th, and as the mayor's floor leader perhaps we should call him Rahmulan Prime. He said he wished he had the booming voice of former Ald. (now U.S. Rep.) Danny K. Davis, so he could "talk about Walt Whitman's poem about the city of the broad shoulders."
Nobody told him it was Carl Sandburg, not Whitman, but at least the Rahmfather had the decency to wince.
Of course, I could be wrong about the "trust." It could happen that 30,000 jobs are created and it won't cost taxpayers a dime and the projects pay off and the moneymen make their interest and the fees for CTA ridership or the city's parks aren't increased to pay for it. But we of Chumbolone Nation know better.
Still, the Rahmfather is pleased. He saw a need, and the last guy — the one they don't dare to name — spent all the money and Rahm wants to spend more. The concrete and asphalt kings are gleeful, as are the guys from labor and business. Of course, they're receiving, not paying.
In the council gallery sitting behind the aldermen were a row of guys in Windbreakers, sleeves pulled up to their forearms. The one with the least amount of neck wore sunglasses. Indoors. After the vote they were pleased.
"It gets a lot of people back to work," said a guy from the laborers union who said his name was Frank. Just Frank.
He didn't have to say anything else. The Rahmulans had spoken.